IIT People Search

Mattia Furlan

Post Doc
Post Doc
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

I was trained in physics, I got a PhD in Complex Systems for Life Sciences, and I actively work in the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics. My main scientific interest is the characterisation of transcriptional and post-transcriptional RNA dynamics [1], which I exploit to investigate multiple biological systems; I have recently focused on cancer. I follow an approach based on RNA-seq data, mathematical modelling, and statistical inference. In this regard, I am one of the developers and maintainers of the R Bioconductor package INSPEcT which allows the investigation of RNA dynamics from sequencing data [2]. I am also fascinated by the epitranscriptome as a major regulatory layer of RNA dynamics [3], which I have begun to explore through the novel exciting Oxford Nanopore Technologies platform for direct RNA sequencing [4]. In general, I am extremely intrigued by both the applicative aspects of computational biology, and the technical aspects of bioinformatics and inference.


Title: PhD in Complex Systems for Life Sciences
Institute: University of Turin
Location: Turin
Country: Italy
From: 2016 To: 2019

Title: Master's Degree in Physics of Complex Systems
Institute: University of Turin
Location: Turin
Country: Italy
From: 2014 To: 2016

Title: Bachelor's Degree in Physics
Institute: University of Turin
Location: Turin
Country: Italy
From: 2011 To: 2014

Experience External

Title: PhD Student
Institute: University of Turin - Department of Physics - Computational Biology Group
Location: Turin
Country: Italy
From: 2016 To: 2019


Modeling and inference




Pipeline development


All Publications
Maestri S., Furlan M., Mulroney L., Tarrero L.C., Ugolini C., Pozza F.D., Leonardi T., Birney E., Nicassio F., Pelizzola M.
Benchmarking of computational methods for m6A profiling with Nanopore direct RNA sequencing
Briefings in Bioinformatics, vol. 25, (no. 2)
Kumar N.H., Kluever V., Barth E., Krautwurst S., Furlan M., Pelizzola M., Marz M., Fornasiero E.F.
Comprehensive transcriptome analysis reveals altered mRNA splicing and post-transcriptional changes in the aged mouse brain
Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 52, (no. 6), pp. 2865-2885
Dermentzaki G., Furlan M., Tanaka I., Leonardi T., Rinchetti P., Passos P.M.S., Bastos A., Ayala Y.M., Hanna J.H., Przedborski S., Bonanomi D., Pelizzola M., Lotti F.
Depletion of Mettl3 in cholinergic neurons causes adult-onset neuromuscular degeneration
Cell Reports, vol. 43, (no. 4)
Article Journal
Brancato V., Brentari I., Coscujuela Tarrero L., Furlan M., Nicassio F., Denti M.A.
News from around the RNA world: new avenues in RNA biology, biotechnology and therapeutics from the 2022 SIBBM meeting
Biology Open, vol. 11, (no. 10)
Furlan M., Delgado-Tejedor A., Mulroney L., Pelizzola M., Novoa E.M., Leonardi T.
Computational methods for RNA modification detection from nanopore direct RNA sequencing data
RNA Biology, vol. 18, (no. S1), pp. 31-40